Sunday, December 9, 2012

now that's "tutu" cute

What I discovered/tools for success:
Step 1- Have props set up beforehand.
Step 2- Get adorable baby picture ready. (i.e. - stripped down to a diaper and wrapped in a blanket; undressing usually equals tears)
Step 3- Feed baby right before hand - babies are much happier with a full belly.
Step 4- Ditch the basket idea. (she hated it!)
Step 5- What ever you do DON'T TRY TO MAKE HER ACTUALLY WEAR THE TUTU! It goes much better if you just lay it over her and pretend that she's actually wearing it.
Step 6- Take lots and lots of shots because each one is unique and adorable in its on way.
and last but not least
Step 7- Admit that even though you'd never be able to explain using them for the Christmas card, the previously taken "angry tutu baby" photos are in some horribly sick way still your favorite!!

1 comment:

  1. I got some angry pics I LOVE of Kenzie too! lol In fact here's a crazy thing I think it's cute when Sydney cries sometimes it's like a cute little whine and I feel bad because I am slow to take care of her needs when she does this cry because it's cute...I tell her you aren't suppose to be cute when you cry, you are suppose to get red faced and all but angry and be LOUD and awful so we'll hurry to get you to stop...she's not the average baby she's TOO laid back! Opposite of Kenzie! ha!
