Saturday, December 1, 2012

2 Months!

My Dearest Mayson Pearl-
On November 24th you officially turned two months old!!
You are now 8lbs 7 oz,
21 inches long,
and I think your head was 14 inches around or so.
You still wear newborn sized clothes and diapers,
eat every 2-3 hrs during the day,
and every 3-4 hrs at night.
(Mommy can't wait until you sleep longer at night but luckily you're pretty adorable and quite the snuggler so I can't get to grouchy with you during those middle of the night feedings!)
You still aren't a fan of tummy time.
 You can lift your head and shoulders up for a few seconds
but you mainly like pulling your knees up
and somehow managing to wiggle yourself across the floor!
You' ve got pretty good head control now,
but still turn into a little bobble head baby whenever when you are tired.
You turn your head towards sounds now
and are starting to really notice things around you.
Plus you are finally starting to smile;
the best little dimpled smile ever- just like your daddy's!
We celebrated Merry November 24th;
aka our first family Christmas just a little bit early.
You had your first sleepover this month at Mrs. Brittany's
and your first long car ride.
A six hour journey,
which you had to do three times in one week!
The first two times you were an angel;
the last time you were understandably over it.
Your daddy left for deployment this month which was horribly sad
but you've already had lot's of skype dates where you got to "talk" to him.
You are growing and changing so much already.
As your mommy, I think that I'm still a little bit in denial that you are 2 months already!!!
And just because you are so cute and because it was officially your 2 month birthday- pics from our Merry November 24th celebration.


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