Tuesday, December 25, 2012

1/4 of a year old!

My adorable little Santa baby,
On Christmas Eve you were officially 3 months old.
At your last doctor's appointment you weighed 9 and 1/2 pounds so I'm guessing by now you are at least ten!
And I know you've gotten even longer than 21 inches because your clothes were getting snug!
You wear a combo of newborn sizes and 0-3 months;
but officially moved up to a size one diaper.
You still aren't even close to sleeping through the night :(
And usually eat 3-4 ounces every three hours or so.
I can't believe how big you've gotten and
you are learning so many new things...
You love smiling and "talking" to us. We've even got a few giggles out of you!
The sounds you make are so cute.
Along with the regular gaa's and coo's you make lots of animal sounds, lol.
Sometimes you sound like a horse,
a chicken,
a little piggy,
or my favorite- an owl.
And forget the baby sling, you like your baths now that you take them big girl style -
with a window view!
You recently discovered your hands.
You like to move them in front of your face and look at them,
or chew on them.
Besides your hands your favorite toy at the moment is your crinkly sounding elephant!
The day before your three month birthday you officially rolled over -
and then promptly went to sleep!
You are quite the wiggle worm.
 You love to lay on your back, bend you legs, and push off with your feet so you go scooting backwards.
So I guess my days of being able to lay you down on the couch or bed and walk away are through.
You hold your head up pretty well but when you get tired you still need some support.
You like to try and "stand" in our laps when we are holding you.
And when you are sitting, propped against something and start to lean over, you'll brace yourself with your arm so you don't fall over!
I still can't believe how big you are getting!
And quite honestly I'm tired of every time we go out people remarking on how small, little, or tiny you are... to me you're a big girl, lol!
But of course they don't know how far you've come -
from our little five pound peanut to my chubby cheeked ten pound bundle of joy!!

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