Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Half a year!!!

Mayson Pearl,
(Even as I type this) I cannot believe you are SIX months old!
My, oh my, how time flies.
You are now 14 lbs and 7 oz and 25 3/4 inches long.
You still wear a size two diaper
You've outgrown almost all of your three month clothes and are wearing almost exclusively 3-6 months now.
Plus you are finally sleeping through the night!!!!!!
You go to sleep by yourself in your crib around 8:30 and sleep until at least 5:30 which makes me one happy momma.

 I'm so proud of how determined you are to learn new things. 
Technically you should only be 4 and 1/2 months old but you don't let that stop you.
You are rolling over (and over and over again)!
Grabbing and picking up toys and passing them from hand to hand.
You are almost sitting up all by yourself  (in all truth you can sit by yourself but you only last for 30 seconds or less-  you always reach for something and go tumbling over!)  
You're quite the "talker" and string various sounds together so it really sounds like you are saying something 
You are wanting to get a hold of anything and everything in your reach and we can't trick you by hiding it out of your sight anymore- you've caught on to that game! 

So what were some of the first that you experienced last month?

First trip to Philadelphia and your first airplane ride.

First time at the park.

First time riding in the stroller like a BIG girl.
(you weren't so sure about it!)

First time fingerpainting.
You HATED it!    
 And you finally got to eat in an actual highchair.
I started out feeding you in your bumbo which didn't go well because you hate your bumbo. So I ordered you a highchair, which happened to take over two weeks to get here - so in the meantime you ate dinner every day in your carseat, poor baby!


Things that you loved last month:
grabbing and eating your feet
shaking your rattles
untying things
chewing on everything
reading your book that daddy recorded for you
holding my hands and standing
knocking your blocks over
practicing sitting like a BIG girl
rolling, rolling and rolling over again
trying to help mommy by feeding yourself
singing silly songs with grandma
playing with the mircowave (blame grandpa for this one!)
getting high fives

Things that you hated:
boarding airplanes
getting dressed
sweet peas
getting in your carseat (as soon as we're moving you're good)
having your nose suctioned or wiped

You are tons of personality packed into one tiny little package.
These past six months with you have been -
 90% wonder and amazement
10% overwhelmed confusion
But I'd gladly do it all over again in a second.

I'm looking forward to spending the second half of your first year with you
(and of course the many more years to come!)
You make my days...
filled with more love than I could have ever imagined.



  1. Is that a space save high chair? If so, that is what we have too :) Kenzie used it until a couple months before Sydney was born, it's getting it's money's worth!

  2. Oh LOVE the way you did the yarn number 6 too! She looks so big! I can't believe it's been 6 months since she was born! Time goes by too fast!
