Sunday, March 10, 2013

Morehead City

On February 23rd my brother ran in the Crystal Coast Half Marathon in Morehead City so we went as a family and made a vacation of it!
Surprisingly, the 5 plus hour ride down to the coast wasn't too bad. Squeezing four adults, one four month old baby and all of our luggage in one car was a little tricky, but other than a few tears and some really cramped up and achy knees we all survived unscathed!

When we finally made it to our hotel we were all a little excited to be free of the car, especially Mayson Pearl since it was her first hotel stay ever.

Even though it rained most of the time while we were there we had a good trip. 
Mayson enjoyed playing in the BIG hotel bed.

Grandpa ran in the 5K and Uncle Joshua ran the half marathon and finished 3rd!!!

Plus we checked out the local aquarium and Mayson LOVED looking at everything!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had fun! MacKenzie loves the aquarium I have yet to take Sydney because there isn't one around close enough I don't think but I know she'll love it when we do get to take her. Little ones love it! You should take Mayson to the hands on museum in Winston Salem that we went to when she gets a little bit older. I want to take both the girls when we go back to visit.
