Wednesday, March 20, 2013

first trip to Philly

The weekend after our trip to Morehead city Mayson and I flew up to Philidelphia for a short visit.
So how was flying alone with a five month old?!?

We survived, lol!!
Mayson screamed her way through security.
(But in her defense who doesn't feel like screaming through security sometimes with the long lines, endless rules and possible frisking!)
Luckily she calmed down afterwards and was a perfect angel...
until we boarded the plane.
As soon as we stepped on board she started to scream!! And I mean the red faced, tears streaming down, high pitched wail of one very pissed off and angry baby.
If it hadn't been for the saint of a woman sitting next to me, the very understanding pasengers and the flight attendant's kind words I probably would have been crying myself.
As soon as the plane started moving though, she was a different child. (Thank you Jesus, lol!!)
The air pressure changes didn't seem to bother her and she played and eventually took a short nap... until we landed and stopped moving...
wherein she immediatly started screaming again!!! 
(The flight back was exactly the same - except insert really long lines and a grouchy old man who set across the aisle from us who immediatly upon boarding proclaimed "Oh joy! I have to sit next to that!" Lucky for him, and us, there were plenty of extra seats so he could move)
Our time in Philly was bittersweet.
I was glad that Mayson got the chance to meet lots of  her "Yankee" family but at the same time I was sad that her daddy couldn't be there with us. But other than missing daddy we had a fun trip!
 Which of course I didn't take a single picture of :(
 So a few stolen ones that Mimi took of Mayson and her cousin Hunter will have to do.


  1. I miss you guys. Wish you could have stayed longer(Atlas also wishes that. He was happy you shared food with him, LOL. If I was on that plane I would have smacked that guy for making that comment.

  2. Wow can't believe that guy said that! One time when we got off a plane and Kenzie was fussy from not having slept and it was a flight during nap time (mind you fussy after getting off the plane we were on the jetway leaving) this lady (older maybe 70) decided to come up to us and tell us that she shouldn't be fussing and proceeded to smacked her hand or something like that and said to her she wasn't suppose to do that! I about had a heart attack! Had she not been a old lady I think I would of alerted security and let them handle her but I was lucky Kenzie didn't get too upset so I let it slide. I don't treat my children that way and I certainly don't think others (who I don't even know) should take it upon themselves to do so. She was only about 19 months old too! WOW people AMAZE me!
