Sunday, March 10, 2013

Five months

Sweet Mayson Pearl,
(Mommy's really slacking on this one!) because two weeks ago you turned five months old!!!
A few days before you were five months you went to the doctor and you weighed 13 lbs 6 oz
and were 24 1/2 inches long.
You're wearing a size two diaper.
And are finally fitting into some of your 3-6 month clothes; though quite a few of your 3 month sized outfits still fit.
You started out the month sleeping 6 hours straight at night, waking up once to eat and then going back to sleep...
But you must be going through a growth spurt because recently you went back to wanting to eat every 3 hours or so around the clock :(

You officially started "big girl" food!
We tried cereal which you hated;
So we switched to vegi's which you seem to like better.

Along with trying food for the first time you had many other "first" last month.
Your first time in your jumperoo.

Your first Valentine's Day.

Your first hotel stay.
Your first fever probably due to teething - only 100.3.
Your first non-well visit to the doctor - it turns out you have a blocked tear duct in your right eye.
Your first time trying to sit up. (So far you only last 30 seconds or less supported with your hands which is fine by me because you are trying to grow up to fast!)

 So what have you really liked this month?
"howling" with grandpa
spinning the frog and moving the beads on your jumperoo
standing up (with our help of course!)
jumping in your jumperoo
grabbing, picking up and chewing on your toys
Karen Katz books
snuggling with Miss Delicious
being naked
bath time
singing silly songs with grandma
giggling at daddy's creepy mustache on skype

What don't you like?
hats, bows, hoods - anything on your head
your bumbo
swing (mommy finally just packed it away)
sitting still for too long

You are growing and changing way too fast!!!
It's almost impossible for this momma to believe that when I write your next monthly post you'll be 1/2 a year old!!

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