Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Seven months

Sweet Mayson Pearl,
Is it even possible that you are SEVEN months old already?!
No doctor visit this month so I don't know your exact stats but the bathroom scale claims you weigh 16 lbs!
You are wearing size 3-6 months in clothes,
And you are still rocking a size two diaper.
Plus apparently you have really petite feet because size two shoes are still a bit big on you.
You drink 4-6 oz bottles every three hours or so,
And are up to two meals a day -
Fruit in the morning, a veggie in the evening.
When you are not busy blowing raspberries with a full mouth of food you are quite the little eater!
As for sleep, nap times are still short and hard to come by but you put yourself to sleep by 8:30 most nights and sleep until at least 4 or 5 in the morning before you need another bottle - after which you  promptly go back to sleep until 7 or 8. ( your momma is quite thankful for that!)

Now that you are officially 7 months old, we can look back and see all that you accomplished during your sixth month of life..

You can now sit up completely unassisted.

You love, love, love to stand and can hold yourself up for a little while without anyone's help. ( you still need help getting there though as you are not pulling up by yourself yet.

You are quite the champion teether with no real noticable fussing at all. 
You can now flash that dimpled grin to everyone and show off your TWO teeth!

You graduated to the big bathtub, with a little ducky assistance that is.

You celebrated your first Easter.

 Went on your first egg hunt.

Started learning to use a sippy cup.

Helped mommy pick out a house for us to live in when we move back to Florida.

Played on the beach.

And "swam" in your little whale pool for the first time!

This path month you loved...
finding tags on all of your toys
the tv remote - we bought you a toy one but you are still determined to play with the real one
any songs with hand motions (ie- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, patty-cake, etc.)
pulling hair!
blowing raspberries
scooting and rolling all around the living room
petting the cats
your jumperoo
standing up 

You've hated...
getting sleepy
long drives where you are stuck in your carseat
not getting your way!!!

You are now three times the size you were on the day you came into this world. Honestly that seems almost unbelievable to me!!! I'm sure it will be even more unbelievable for your daddy considering the last time he held you in his arm you were only an eight pound peanut!! Only one more month of stats to post until he gets to come home to you... his now little but BIG girl!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like her and Sydney are doing alot of the same things! Sydney blows raspberries all the time now (while eating too, and she likes to blow them on my leg when i sit on the floor with her too lol)...love all the pics, she's getting so big I bet her daddy will be amazed!
