Tuesday, January 8, 2013

playmat fun

Mayson Pearl is not a fan of tummy time.
So a certain mommy that I know (perhaps me!) has been slack about making her do it. 
Lately I've been making more of an effort to make myself, make her, to at least give tummy time a try each and every day.
And as a result we are slowly improving!
But there are still plenty of times that 

turn into this
Like everything in life it's a lot of trial and error.
But with ever face plant we are slowly learning!!
(At least that's what I keep telling myself as I try to calm my now crying baby!)
 Luckily she really loves playing with her playmat when she's not on her tummy so we usually resort back to that!

1 comment:

  1. She'll eventually like her belly better, the more you get her on her tummy the easier it will get but it's no fun watching them get all upset every time I know. Sydney rolls onto her belly now so she's ALWAYS on her belly now and sometimes she forgets how to roll to her back so she'll get mad and want someone to put her on her back when she's tired.
