Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mayson's First Christmas

 We started off the day on skype with daddy!

The wonders of technology allowed daddy to see what Santa had brought Mayson.

 After we said good bye to daddy Maysie was understandably mad :(
But luckily she cheered right up when we opened presents with grandma and grandpa.

Even Grandma's silly cat joined in on the fun!
 When you have this many presents under the tree you are one very spoiled little baby!

Of course we would have traded ever single one of these presents to have daddy here with us!! It's sad that he is the only one missing from our Readling-Stewart Christmas day photos :(

1 comment:

  1. Mayson is one spoiled little girl! ha! Love the princess castle! She will LOVE it! Little people are awesome! I bet you can't wait to see her start playing with stuff like that, I know I couldn't wait for Kenzie to and I really look forward to Sydney starting to play with stuff like that so she can play with MacKenzie! Looks like you guys had a nice Christmas and I am sure your mom LOVED having you guys there on Christmas morning!
