Friday, January 25, 2013

FOUR months!

Dearest little Mayson Pearl,
Is it even possible that you are four months old now?
I can't believe how big you are getting! 
You no longer look like a premie or a newborn- but like a regular baby!
At your four month appointment yesterday you finally managed to make it onto the growth chart.
You are exactly 12 lbs and 23 1/2 inches long!!
Which means you are in the 11th percentile for weight and the 14th percentile for height.
(Just for fun I looked at my baby book and when I was your age I weighed 15lbs but was only half an inch longer than you. Your momma was a short fat baby!!!)
You wear mostly 0-3 month size clothes and are about to graduate out of your size 1 diapers and into a size 2!
Thankfully you seem to slowly be figuring this sleep thing out. 
I put you in your crib around eight and you put yourself to sleep and usually stay asleep for 5-6 hours! 
After that you're back to wanting to eat every two to three hours or so and once 5:30 hits you are up and think it's playtime. 
Obviously you got this trait from your daddy and not from me!
It's so neat to watch as your little personality slowly starts emerging.
You can be a bit of a diva.
 And you're a rather feisty baby.
During the day you fight sleep.
You like to be up and moving, watching everything that's going on!
You've become quite the "talker" and love to carry on a conversation with anyone who will listen.
You love to imitate sounds and at any given time you say things that sound similar to- hi, uh-oh, oh god, who, and even no!
So far your favorite thing to play with is your hands.
You put them together, watch them move and love to chew on them.
Plus, just this week, you figured out that you could also use your hands to hold things- which is great because now you have even more stuff to chew on!
Though personally I'm most excited that you've finally started to enjoy books. 
Your favorites are books with high contrast black and white pictures, ones with pictures hidden under flaps and the baby sign language books that grandma checked out for you from the library. 
You love to watch us sign to you.
A few of your other faves are...
your soft touch and feel blocks
Captain Calamari and your playmat
baby radio
singing 80's & 90's hits with mom and grandma
your light and sounds puppy
playing peek-a-boo with daddy on skype
sticking out you tongue
walking around (aka- making someone walk you around)
stroller rides
snuggling with mommy, grandma or grandpa during naptime
Plus a few things that you don't like...
tummy time
getting out of the bath
coats and hats
being in your swing
sleeping during the day
sitting in your bumbo chair
being swaddled
not getting your way! 
(I'm afraid you've got your mommy's temper!)
 You'll never be this size again, so I'm soaking it all in and enjoying every precious moment that I've got with you.
I've only been given so much time with my adorable baby Mayson Pearl before she grows up and changes into a little girl!

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