Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Eve (rewind)

Twas the night before Christmas in the Readling House
and of course Mayson Pearl was NOT as quiet as a mouse!!
She fussed much of the morning away;
 but luckily once she finally pooped all was okay!

We were busy missing Gregory and wishing he were here,
yet still managed to muster up quite a bit of Christmas cheer.
We each opened one present on Christmas Eve, 
and left cookies out for Santa and lot's of reindeer feed.
It was well past midnight before I coaxed Mayson to sleep,
But she continued to wake up over and over, until this momma wanted to weep.
Luckily Santa came and much to my delight
told Mayson very sternly - "It's Christmas little baby.
Give it up.
Go to sleep!!


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