Saturday, May 11, 2013

heartwarming and heartbreaking

For the past five and a half months this has been our routine.
I sit the iPad up and my precious little girl gets so excited-
 it's Mayson Pearl and daddy time!

Seeing them together,
interacting, "talking", laughing and playing- 
is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.

I feel blessed that Gregory is deployed to a location where he is able to skype with us almost daily.
Blessed that this technology even exist.
Blessed that we get to start our mornings with him, while he ends his day with us! (that's what a 13 hr time difference gets you!)
Blessed that he's been able to see Mayson growing up.
Blessed that Mayson is still able to hear and therefore recognize his voice.
Blessed that I get to see them both so excited and happy to see each other.

And while I am daily trying to count my blessings, its hard not to long for the day when we finally get to have our favorite guy in person.
I know that throughout much of this deployment I have kept this blog fairly superficial.
I've really tried not to delve into my feelings and if I'm being honest I haven't really had to many of them.
I've been sort of numb and keeping things buried.
But as deployment winds down I feel like I can finally start letting things to the surface.
Because there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel!!

My little family is finally going to be whole again and that's the biggest and best blessing of them all!


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