Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's Potty!!

Lately Mayson has been showing a lot of interest in the potty. 
(i.e.  she's been all up in my business while I'm trying to go!)
Since she's only fifteen months and to young for any hardcore potty training, I figured we'd get her a little potty to use/sit on if she wanted to.
As soon as she noticed her new potty sitting in the bathroom she immediately wanted to try it. And guess what? Not two minutes later she peed in it for the very first time! It was beyond adorable how excited she was. She smiled and clapped and was so proud of herself! 
We're still a long way from potty trained but I gotta say its a pretty good start. Especially since she used it one more time before going to bed. Go Mayson, go!

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