Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Holiday vacation (picture overload!)

We covered a lot of miles while on vacation.
First to North Carolina... then Philly... on to Deleware... short stop near Washington, DC... back to North Carolina and finally home to Florida.
And through it all Mayson was a road tripping warrior. She snacked, snuggled with Snoopy and watched movie after movie. (We turned her forward facing for the trip.) Even though she handled the long hours on the road like a champ; the new places and unfamiliar faces did seem to slowly take a toll on her. By the end of the trip she was easily irritated and much fussier than unusual.
But who could blame her really? After 11 days away we are all ready to come home.
All in all it was a good trip and we had lots of family fun along the way.
In North Carolina we went to see Christmas lights at the speedway and daddy got to drive on the race track!


While in Philadelphia we took a trip up to Easton, PA and visited the Crayola Factory. Aunt Emily came with us.



We saw a few snow flurries.


Plus we made a stop at an Aviation museum in Washington DC to break up the drive back to North Carolina.


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