Monday, January 27, 2014

Fifteen months

Mayson Pearl,
I cannot believe that you are already 15 months old! (by the time I got around to posting this you were technically already 16 months old but just go with it okay! )
You now weigh 21 lbs and 2 oz.
Which means you are still wearing a size three diaper and a size 3 shoe.
I packed away the last of your 9 month clothes which means you are exclusively wearing 12 month sizes.
You still sleep 11-12 hours straight at night and take 1-2 naps a day.
And of course you still love to eat! A few of your many favorites are pancakes, french toast sticks, carrots, sweet potatoes, grapes, strawberries, cheese, fruit snacks, yogurt, beanie weenies, and your ultimate fave- chocolate chip cookies!
What I love the most is that your vocabulary is really starting to explode. You are even beginning to put words together into short phrases. You still say quite a lot that leaves me scratching my head wondering if you just cussed me out in baby language but its so fun to see you getting excited to put your wants into words. 
What you love...
little people
baby dolls
going bye-bye
playing with kitchen stuff
playing chase with daddy
painting, coloring and using stickers
bath time
any and all animals, especially your dog and kitties
playing outside
helping mommy with chores- you love emptying the dishwasher, helping with laundry and throwing trash away (the last of which became a problem when you starting throwing everything away)
running and jumping on the couch
trying (and failing) to play in the dog bowls
balls and frisbees
climbing stairs
Mr.Potato Head
Snoop Dog aka- your much beloved stuffed snoopy
What you hated...
getting dressed or undressed
teething (molars, ouch!)
being away from mommy or daddy
doctor's appointments
Your daddy and I cannot believe that you are a walking, talking, running, climbing, dancing, laughing, trouble making toddler now! 
ps- stop growing so fast!

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