Wednesday, January 29, 2014

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Snoop Dog

A little bling

And a "gently used" dog for sale!!!

Just a few snapshots of life with a toddler.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Toddler bed

We decided to go ahead and take the plunge and move Mayson out of her crib and into a "big girl bed." I originally had planned to try and transition her at 18 months but she's such a good sleeper and goes to bed every night without complaint so I figured we should take advantage of that! 

She enjoyed playing in her bed all saturday afternoon and when we put her to bed that night we explained to her that when the light in her room was off that meant night night time. 
Of course not one minute later she's up and peeking out the door.
I quietly laid her back down, covered her up and left the room.
A few minutes go by and she's peeking out the door again.
I lay her down again and we repeat this scenario one more time.
On the fourth time up she closes her door instead of opening it. 
So now she's alone, in her room, in the dark and she can't let herself out.
I decided to wait and see her reaction. 
Seconds go by and I don't hear a peep. Then I see her on the monitor, climbing up into her bed, snuggling with Snoop and going to sleep!! 
All in all it was less than fifteen tearless minutes before she was settled and sound asleep. Plus she slept through the night and woke up at her usual time.
She got up once and tried to play with her toys before her first toddler bed nap but since then she's went to sleep no problem.
Honestly I expected more of a fight. Or a few sleepless nights. At the very least some tears.
But Mayson seemed to love her "big girl bed" from the start.

If only every transition and milestone could be this easy!!

Fifteen months

Mayson Pearl,
I cannot believe that you are already 15 months old! (by the time I got around to posting this you were technically already 16 months old but just go with it okay! )
You now weigh 21 lbs and 2 oz.
Which means you are still wearing a size three diaper and a size 3 shoe.
I packed away the last of your 9 month clothes which means you are exclusively wearing 12 month sizes.
You still sleep 11-12 hours straight at night and take 1-2 naps a day.
And of course you still love to eat! A few of your many favorites are pancakes, french toast sticks, carrots, sweet potatoes, grapes, strawberries, cheese, fruit snacks, yogurt, beanie weenies, and your ultimate fave- chocolate chip cookies!
What I love the most is that your vocabulary is really starting to explode. You are even beginning to put words together into short phrases. You still say quite a lot that leaves me scratching my head wondering if you just cussed me out in baby language but its so fun to see you getting excited to put your wants into words. 
What you love...
little people
baby dolls
going bye-bye
playing with kitchen stuff
playing chase with daddy
painting, coloring and using stickers
bath time
any and all animals, especially your dog and kitties
playing outside
helping mommy with chores- you love emptying the dishwasher, helping with laundry and throwing trash away (the last of which became a problem when you starting throwing everything away)
running and jumping on the couch
trying (and failing) to play in the dog bowls
balls and frisbees
climbing stairs
Mr.Potato Head
Snoop Dog aka- your much beloved stuffed snoopy
What you hated...
getting dressed or undressed
teething (molars, ouch!)
being away from mommy or daddy
doctor's appointments
Your daddy and I cannot believe that you are a walking, talking, running, climbing, dancing, laughing, trouble making toddler now! 
ps- stop growing so fast!

Friday, January 17, 2014

You're never too young to accessorize

Mayson Pearl decided that, in order to be the most stylish toddler on the block, she needs to accessorize! Today she opened one of the drawers on my jewelry armoire, pulled out a necklace and came out of the bedroom with a huge grin on her face, the necklace draped around her neck like a scarf! She was so proud of herself that I didn't even have the heart to tell her that the necklace she picked was just not a good match for her outfit! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Let's Potty!!

Lately Mayson has been showing a lot of interest in the potty. 
(i.e.  she's been all up in my business while I'm trying to go!)
Since she's only fifteen months and to young for any hardcore potty training, I figured we'd get her a little potty to use/sit on if she wanted to.
As soon as she noticed her new potty sitting in the bathroom she immediately wanted to try it. And guess what? Not two minutes later she peed in it for the very first time! It was beyond adorable how excited she was. She smiled and clapped and was so proud of herself! 
We're still a long way from potty trained but I gotta say its a pretty good start. Especially since she used it one more time before going to bed. Go Mayson, go!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

First "Family" Christmas

We spent a quiet Christmas Day just as a family of three.
And by quiet I mean... 
It took us until 4 o'clock in the afternoon before Mayson Pearl had opened all of her presents,
She had an allergic reaction to the syrup on her waffles,
Gregory was Squadron Duty Officer and had to go into work for an hour or so,
I set off the smoke alarm twice while cooking Christmas dinner,
and if I'm being completely honest Maysie had much more fun playing with a sippy cup and a spoon from her doll nursery than any other gift.
It was a perfectly, imperfect family Christmas...
and I wouldn't have wished it to be any other way!


Holiday vacation (picture overload!)

We covered a lot of miles while on vacation.
First to North Carolina... then Philly... on to Deleware... short stop near Washington, DC... back to North Carolina and finally home to Florida.
And through it all Mayson was a road tripping warrior. She snacked, snuggled with Snoopy and watched movie after movie. (We turned her forward facing for the trip.) Even though she handled the long hours on the road like a champ; the new places and unfamiliar faces did seem to slowly take a toll on her. By the end of the trip she was easily irritated and much fussier than unusual.
But who could blame her really? After 11 days away we are all ready to come home.
All in all it was a good trip and we had lots of family fun along the way.
In North Carolina we went to see Christmas lights at the speedway and daddy got to drive on the race track!


While in Philadelphia we took a trip up to Easton, PA and visited the Crayola Factory. Aunt Emily came with us.



We saw a few snow flurries.


Plus we made a stop at an Aviation museum in Washington DC to break up the drive back to North Carolina.