Friday, October 11, 2013

Eleven months

My sweet Mayson Pearl,
(Here is yet another monthly letter posted over a month late! In my defense I would rather spend time with you and your daddy instead of on the computer. I need to learn to like typing on the iPad but I cant help but feel like I need a "real" keyboard. But putting all rambling aside here is what u were up to before u turned 11 months.)
You weigh 19 lbs and are 29 inches long.
You wear almost exclusively 9 month sized clothes, but have some 12 month shirts that don't look too terribly big on you.
Your diaper and show size is still the same; a three in both.
You sleep 11 to 12 hours at night and lately have been only wanting one long nap a day.
You have officially left all baby food behind and are eating regular food for breakfast, lunch, dinner and your snacks.
You still only drink formula and water but its almost always out of a sippy cup. You only take one bottle a day now, right before bed.

So what all were you up to during your tenth month...

You took your first unassisted steps.

Went to the zoo with mom, dad and grandma.

We celebrated your daddy's 27th birthday.

You attended your first baseball game - the Jacksonville Suns

You now have eight teeth

And are saying "mama", "dada", "bye bye", "baba" (bottle) and "kiki cat" (kitty cat) 

You loved...
Opening and closing cabinets; as well as pulling things out 
Little people and princesses
Walking/running around- u still want a hand to hold
Store discount cards, old ID cards, hotel room cards etc.
Daddy's tools
Dragging your purse around
Printer, Xbox, cable box, ie anything with buttons
Your doggie and kitty cats
Stacking/nesting cups
Learning to color/ eating crayons!
Taking things out of baskets, buckets, your diaper bag and then putting them back in
Bath time
Your laugh and learn puppy

You hated...
Diaper changes
Getting dressed
Not being allowed to play in the Doggie's food or water bowl
Long car rides

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