Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ten Months

Sweet and spunky Mayson Pearl,
Guess what? 
You are technically 11 months old now but mommy is just now getting around to doing your ten month post. Better late than never right?
No definite measurements but I'd guess you weigh about 18 lbs and are 27 to 28 inches long.
I've officially packed all of your 6 month stuff away because you are wearing almost exclusively 9 month sizes.
Your diapers are still size three.
Which is funny because your shoe size is three as well!
At the beginning of the month you were still taking three naps but you've pretty much transitioned from three to only two naps a day and of course you still sleep through the night and wake up super early.
And you still love to eat! You eat three meals a day, plus snacks and you're beginning to prefer eating what mommy and daddy eat instead of baby food. Along with slowly phasing out baby food we are slowly phasing out bottles too. You are down to only three bottles a day, which is fine by you because you love your sippy cups with straws.

Here's some of the things that you were up to last month...
Your daddy got his post deployment leave and we went on vacation to NC and Philly.
You flew on an airplane for the second time and you did amazing.
You were reunited with your doggy, Atlas.

You got to go to your first children's museum in Philadelphia.
You love to greet everyone with that silly toothy grin of yours. You have two bottom teeth and two top teeth except your top teeth aren't the front two! We like to say you either have the smile of a redneck, hillbilly or one of a hockey player. 
Attended your first parade,
Your first firework show.
And went to your first amusement park- Hershey Park.
Plus your grandma came to Florida to visit.
And the most exciting thing (to your mommy, at least) - you said your first words, "mama", "dada" and "bye bye."
Things that you loved...
walking/running everywhere (still holding onto our hand of course!)
playing with remotes, phones, sunglasses and any other non-toy items you could get your hands on
"dancing" to music
carrying things around (your go to items- dishtowels, little people princesses, and a shovel)
playing peek-a-boo
opening and closing doors, cabinets, etc.
petting the cats and your doggy
flushing the potty
brushing your teeth
playing in your pool or with your splash pad
Things you hated...
getting dressed
bath time (you used to love it)
putting on sunscreen and bathing suits
pureed baby food

As each month flies by and we get closer and closer to the one year mark my little baby Mayson Pearl is slowly but surely fading away and being replaced by a feisty and independent toddler!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the cute pics! I think Mayson might be bigger than Sydney. I think Sydney is just now measuring 27 inches tall and maybe 18 lbs now. She's tiny for sure, MacKenzie was way bigger already and was starting to wear 18 months size, Sydney is wearing 9-12 months and most 12 months stuff is big still! Glad you wrote some entries I was starting to think you were done with the blog I was sad! I enjoy seeing her pics and getting to know her!
