Sunday, September 1, 2013

Nine months

The hubby came home from deployment and as a result blogging fell by the wayside. We've been busy moving, vacationing and simply spending time as a family of three. Hopefully I can catch back up with the things that I've missed...
 Starting with Mayson's nine month letter.
My Maysie-Moo-Hoo,
On July 24th you officially became 3/4 of a year old!
You haven't had your nine month check up but I'd guess you are about 17 pounds or so.
You still fit into a few of your 6 month outfits but you are mainly wearing 6 or 6-9 month sizes now.
Depending on the shoe you wear a size 2 or 3
And you're still wearing a size 3 diaper.
You take either two or three naps a day and usually sleep 10-11 hours straight at night!! The only downside to this is that you are an early bird and are almost always up around 6:30.
You LOVE to eat and to try new foods. You still have 4 or 5 bottles a day and usually eat three meals. Some of your favorite foods so far seem to be pancakes, french toast sticks, fries, sweet potatoes, any type of melon, bananas and your ultimate fave - ice cream! I let you help me eat a vanilla ice cream cone and you cried when it was all gone!!
What all where you up to during your eighth month?
You finally started crawling more.

Moved back to Florida.
And into your new house.

You loved getting to swim in a big pool for the first time.
But most importantly your daddy finally came home from deployment!!!!!!
What you loved...
Walking, walking and walking. (You only need a finger to hold now.)
playing with your dollhouse
reading (and eating!) books
opening doors, cabinets, etc.
turning on faucets and lights
being held up high or upside down
laughing when you hear someone else laugh
letting go and standing on your own (only for a minute or so)
babbling - some of your favorite sounds to make or words to repeat are baba, bye-bye, gaga, hi, huh-uh, mama, dada, hello, no, geegee (so far I'm not counting any as words because I don't think you are actively associating the word with the meaning yet)
crawling after the cats
singing opera with grandma
playing with daddy :)
What you hated...
all the long car rides you had to endure
when you wanna walk and no one is willing to lend you a hand
crawling on a hard surface
being in your jumperoo for more than 5 minutes
using your walker/push toy
you still hate getting dressed; mainly putting your arms into sleeves
Overall this past month will always be remembered as the one that reunited your daddy with his little girl. While you won't remember your first reunion, the smile on your dad's face and the tears in his eyes will forever be etched in my memory.
 You're only nine months old but you already have your daddy wrapped around your little finger!

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