Sunday, June 23, 2013

Eight months (already?!)

Oh-so-feisty Mayson Pearl,
On May 24th you officially turned 8 months old.
(and yes I realize I am only posting this 1 day before you turn nine months but we've had quite the busy month!)
I would guess that you weigh somewhere between 16 and 17 pounds.
You wear a combo of 3-6 and 6-9 month sizes,
 and are still in a size 2 shoe.
I'm finishing up your last pack of size two diapers and plan to bump you up to threes when we run out!
You drink 4-5 bottles a day,
plus have three "real" meals- fruit for breakfast, puffs or some other finger food for lunch/snack, and a veggie for dinner!
You usually take two short cat naps earlier in the day and one longer nap late in the afternoon;
But what you do best is sleep at night- 10 to 11 hours straight through to morning!
(my only complaint is that according to you morning equals 6 o'clock!) 

You learned and experienced so many new things last month.

You've slowly been trying some "real" food. So far you've had bananas, strawberries, a french fry, oranges, cantaloupe, sweet potato, hash browns, and a pickle. You liked everything but the pickle!

You've been finger painting more and you LOVE it!

You've learned to "walk" and want us to help you "walk" constantly. Along with us helping you to walk you are starting to cruise holding on to furniture and have begun to figure out how to pull yourself up to standing.

You don't have much interest in crawling and so far the only crawling you do is backwards, which makes you mad!

Grandma and I took you on your first trip to Dan Nicolas Park.

 You've been enjoying splashing around in your baby pool.

Absolutely love your doll house.

 And helped me celebrate my very first mother's day!

Throughout your seventh month you loved...
standing and "walking"- both require you to hold on to something
trying new foods
shaking and banging toys
nodding yes
books with flaps or different textures to feel
opening cabinets
being outside
your jumperoo and activity table
listening to the duck song

you disliked...
being in your carseat
if someone wouldn't walk you around when you wanted them to
your V-Tech move and crawl ball
getting dressed 

Your personality is emerging more and more everyday; and while you are a totally fun and entertaining baby I do have a feeling that you are going to be a handful!!! At least for the next eighteen months I won't have to tackle the job of raising you alone. Your daddy will finally be here to watch you learn and grow... not to mention I'll finally have someone else to help "walk" you around!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures! Love that she likes art already! Sydney doesn't show much interest but she doesn't dislike it either. It excited MacKenzie to see sissy doing art too so that is the only reason she really does art much for now well and so she can get the whole texture experience. Sydney hates her car seat too, it's a battle everytime we get in the car it's down right awful!
