Saturday, July 19, 2014

Only 21 months late!!! (Can't believe I never posted this!)

Dearest Mayson Pearl,
Yesterday you were officially one month old!!
It's amazing to me how much you've grown and changed already. According to the bathroom scale you are now 7 lbs, but we'll find out your growth stats for sure on Monday at your one month appointment.
You are finally getting the hang of this eating thing and have always seemed to like helping mom and dad by "holding" your bottle. You've went from only eating 6ml a feeding to being able to down 1 1/2 to 2 ounces a feeding. We've tried nursing but it just seems to make you mad so I guess you just aren't a boob baby, lol... you'd rather make mommy have to pump constantly since you eat every two to three hours with the occasional four hour break!
You wear newborn sized diapers and are finally fitting into all your cute newborn sized outfits! They are still a bit big on you but you are too big for most of your premie outfits now.
You are NOT a fan of tummy time. It either makes you mad or puts you to sleep but you can lift your head for a few seconds and turn your head from side to side; though you would much rather be spending your time lifting your legs and arms so that it looks like you are trying to do the superman!
You love going for stroller rides,
have HATED your bath since day one,
but love having your hair washed!
Plus you've already found your thumb but usually only resort to using it when you're hungry.
The cats could really care less about you but Atlas thinks you are HIS baby. He sleeps by your pack and play, checks on you every time you cry and looks for you around the house and whimpers by the door if you are gone.
Personally, your daddy and I have to side with Atlas because we think you are pretty amazing too! What really amazes us is that technically you aren't even supposed to be here yet... but now we couldn't imagine what the past month would have been like without you.
Because you came early we have been blessed with the miracle of being able to share six more weeks of our lives with you!
I'm still in awe that month one has already come and gone. I will forever cherish the time that I have got to spend being your mommy and I look forward to the many more months to come!


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