Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Florida-like fall

It's only 70 degrees. 
Grab your long sleeves.
Slip on your boots.
And don't forget your pink ball.
Let's go outside and pretend it feels like fall!

Monday, October 28, 2013

"Noodles" of fun!

$4 worth of spaghetti
$2 bag of plastic spiders
hours of entertainment for a toddler!!!
(fyi- in toddler time that's pretty close to eternity!!)
And, as an added bonus, it also equaled snack time for one very understanding and patient dog.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

12 months (a better late than never post!)

Dear Mayson Pearl,
We made it!!! You are officially 12 months old! The big O-N-E!
You weigh 20 lbs and are 29 1/4 inches tall.
You wear both 9 and 12 month size clothes.
And just like last month your diaper size and show size still match; both are size 3.
You sleep close to 12 hours at night and you are back to taking two naps a day.
You no longer eat any baby food and you are officially off all bottles!
We refer to you as "our little garbage disposal" because you will eat almost anything.
You have a lot to say now, even though we only understand about ten percent of it!!! But you clearly say... Mama, Dada, Gaga (grandma), Kiki (kitty), Bye-bye, Baba (bottle), Hey, All Done, No, Zat (what's that) and Doggie.
What all were you up to the month before you became a toddler?
You took your third plane trip, complete with your first ever layover.
Made your first ever batch of homemade playdough with mommy.
Finally got to sport your Eagles gear and watch football with daddy.
We cheered on daddy's softball team (as they lost yet again!!!)
You started going to your own class on Thursday's while mommy goes to her own hour long bible study class. You aren't so sure of this one yet... and while it breaks mommy's heart for you to cry when she drops you off I know its good for you to develop some independence.  

You loved...
little people and princesses
rolling balls back and forth
playing hide and seek
your doggy Atlas and kitties Cameron and Minnie
singing and helping act out songs - your faves are "Clap your Hands" and "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed"
going out to eat
opening and closing things
anything with buttons
playing outside
playing chase with daddy
taking things out just to put them back again
being silly and laughing
"talking" to dada and gaga on the phone
brushing your teeth
You Hated...
diaper changes
getting dressed and undressed
not being allowed to play in the dog's bowls
when mommy or daddy leaves
if we try to make you walk on your own; you usually refuse because you still want someone's hand to hold

Saturday, October 12, 2013

my little lefty?

"Don't mind me mom, I'm only one, but I'm hard at work completing my first masterpiece! Please don't erase it when I'm done!"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Celebrating our first birthday cowgirl style!

This past Saturday we celebrated "Western style" for Mayson Pearl's first birthday. I was so busy setting everything up, and then partying it up with my little cowgirl, that I didn't take a single picture. Thankfully I was able to piece together some pretty good photos of the event (aka thanks grandpa, Amber, Brittany and Ashley for taking photos of Mayson's big day!)
some of the decorations...

the food...

and the cake...
(I'm not a baker, nor have I ever used fondant before so you'll have to excuse the lumps and the fact that the cow spots actually slid down the cake! The actual cake itself turned out rather tasty; it was a chocolate cheerwine cake.)

And Mayson actually stayed interested through most of the presents...
Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate Mayson's big day with us. We had a blast!!!
I still can't believe my baby is one!!!


Eleven months

My sweet Mayson Pearl,
(Here is yet another monthly letter posted over a month late! In my defense I would rather spend time with you and your daddy instead of on the computer. I need to learn to like typing on the iPad but I cant help but feel like I need a "real" keyboard. But putting all rambling aside here is what u were up to before u turned 11 months.)
You weigh 19 lbs and are 29 inches long.
You wear almost exclusively 9 month sized clothes, but have some 12 month shirts that don't look too terribly big on you.
Your diaper and show size is still the same; a three in both.
You sleep 11 to 12 hours at night and lately have been only wanting one long nap a day.
You have officially left all baby food behind and are eating regular food for breakfast, lunch, dinner and your snacks.
You still only drink formula and water but its almost always out of a sippy cup. You only take one bottle a day now, right before bed.

So what all were you up to during your tenth month...

You took your first unassisted steps.

Went to the zoo with mom, dad and grandma.

We celebrated your daddy's 27th birthday.

You attended your first baseball game - the Jacksonville Suns

You now have eight teeth

And are saying "mama", "dada", "bye bye", "baba" (bottle) and "kiki cat" (kitty cat) 

You loved...
Opening and closing cabinets; as well as pulling things out 
Little people and princesses
Walking/running around- u still want a hand to hold
Store discount cards, old ID cards, hotel room cards etc.
Daddy's tools
Dragging your purse around
Printer, Xbox, cable box, ie anything with buttons
Your doggie and kitty cats
Stacking/nesting cups
Learning to color/ eating crayons!
Taking things out of baskets, buckets, your diaper bag and then putting them back in
Bath time
Your laugh and learn puppy

You hated...
Diaper changes
Getting dressed
Not being allowed to play in the Doggie's food or water bowl
Long car rides