Thursday, November 29, 2012

the first few days

There's been quite a few moments over the past three days where I've been left wondering how we're going to survive without Gregory. So many times already have I wished he were here.

Like the middle of the night bottle feeding where I'm stumbling around exhausted and only realize half way thru the bottle that I completely mix matched the bottle and the nipple (which amazingly didn't leak) and that her "burp cloth" is really a pair of her jammies.
Or when the corpsman asked me to help hold her arms down so he could give her the vaccines without her swiping at the needles :(
(How could I not feel bad for helping hurt this precious little face?!)
Or perhaps when I tried unsuccesfully to take a picture of her poor little bandaided legs only to capture her projectile vomit forever on film.
And definitely when I moved the last of our things to storage and felt like I was closing the door on our lives together for the next six months. And yes I know we are still "together" but it's hard knowing you can't be "together"- meaning together in the same place or even on the same continent.
So despite the few times I've felt like curling up into a little ball and simply hibranating until he returns, overall Mayson and I have been doing okay. We made the six hour trip to North Carolina with no casualties (even the fish made it, lol), I officially turned thirty (yikes) and we've already got to skype several times with the hubby- Mayson staring and "talking" to her daddy on the screen (priceless!)
All in all we survived the first few days of deployment unscathed. Even if we are missing our favorite guy like crazy.

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