Thursday, May 22, 2014

Enjoying the great outdoors!

Lately one of Mayson's favorite words has been "outside" and when u hear it you know it's a request (sometimes demand!!) to head out into the great outdoors!!

So we've planted flowers.

Tried out the pool. (It was a little cold!)

Took our painting outdoors.

Enjoyed a gardening themed play date with friends.

Watched daddy's softball team actually win a game!!!

Not to mention the many hours we've spent hanging out in the backyard just watching for daddy's airplane. Because when this cute little girl asks to go "outside" it's hard to say no!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day!!!

I don't really need a day of thanks for being this little stinkers mommy...

But if my hubby chooses to let me sleep in (which lets be honest he usually lets me sleep in one day a week anyway)

Tell me how beyond wonderful I am with hallmark cards... 

...While supplying me with a weeks worth of yummy fruit and chocolate strawberries I'd be a fool to refuse!!!

Yet in all honesty I don't really need a day to celebrate me. Growing up I never wanted anything more than to be a mommy myself and being blessed with little Miss Mayson Pearl made that dream come true!! 

The only thing that would have made today better would have been having my mom here in Florida so I could celebrate her!! I wouldn't be half the mother I am if it wasn't for her! Until I became a mom myself I never fully understood how you could literally be bursting with love for another person. It's humbling to know how my mom must feel about me. I know I'll never be able to tell her enough how much she means to me, how much she has shaped me as a person, or what it truly means to know that I'll never lose her love. I only hope that one day Mayson feels the same way about me.

And as a footnote the best thing about Mother's Day weekend is that Mayson's speech is really starting to take off!! She's suddenly started putting words into phrases and has been running around saying "bye guys", "hi dada", "see ya later" and bossing the dog around saying "sit Atlas" or telling him to "go away!" There's nothing better than hearing Maysie find her voice.